Tomorrow is voting day throughout America. There are a few things I'd like to say before everyone goes out to vote, though.
First of all, study the propositions that will be on the ballot before you commit yourself. There is often an attractive idea paired up with a not-so-attractive one. It's up to you to decide whether the good outweighs the bad.
Your vote does count. Remember, you may help push a measure to victory or defeat by your actions. Its fate isn't decided until the end of the day.
Everyone has a right to vote. Well, all law-abiding citizens do. If you're registered to vote, don't be afraid to march right up to the poll and fill out your ballot.
If you don't have anything to say, don't vote. Casting a random vote is worse than not casting one at all. If you don't know or don't care about a measure, please leave that spot blank. I'm sure we want what's best for us, not just random, arbitrary laws.
Now that I've said that, I have one last comment:
Happy voting! :)